Promoting BRIDGE within Victoria
interest in the game

  • Joan’s Back for more Continuing Education!

    We are delighted to advise that Joan Butts, National Director of Teaching for the ABF, will be presenting a seminar on Competitive Bidding in conjunction with the ANC. This will

    be held on Sunday July 14 at the ANC venue, the Bayview Eden, in Queen’s Road, from 9.30am to 2.30 pm and is free-of-charge, courtesy of the Australian Bridge Federation.

    While primarily intended as a professional development workshop for bridge teachers wishing to upgrade their skills, it will also be suitable for aspiring teachers and any other interested


    Prior bookings are essential. The following is a link to the booking page on the ABF website for this event:

    We look forward to a strong attendance at this event.

    Christopher Leach, VBA Vice-President.

    Posted Date: