The Victorian Champion of Champion event was held over the weekend of 26th & 27th August. The event was won by Prithiraj de Zoysa and Peter Hollands, with Dee Harley and Stan Klofa second. We would like to make this new inter club championship event more accessible to every club by introducing more categories. Please help us by supporting it!.
The Geelong Bridge Club has provided a large contingent of players in both years so we asked one of their member to write about the event. Michael Stokie (5th place) wrote this:
Reflections from Geelong Bridge Club
Geelong Bridge Club sent a full contingent of six pairs to the recent Champion of Champions match-point event at the VBA. A flying start on Board 1 helped settle my initial nerves:
I got the chance to bid a weak 2S and felt uneasy when my already-passed partner, an avid devotee of the Law of Total Tricks, raised to game which was promptly doubled. The bidding was:
North |
East |
South |
West |
pass |
pass |
1D |
2S |
pass |
4S |
double |
When the HQ lead was ducked by South to my HK and with a favourable club split, the contract rolled home with 11 tricks and a score of +690, an equal top with the eventual winners Prithiraj De Zoysa and Peter Hollands. Our good fortune dissipated as the event progressed and we were pleased to finish in 5thplace.
The VBA’s organization, conduct of the event and hospitality were excellent but it was disappointing that only 20 pairs participated. Without a significantly larger field, it is hard to justify the current two-day format and the travel and accommodation demands that this places on country participants. It was notable that, apart from changes of order, the top five pairs remained the same from day 1 to day 2 suggesting that a one day event is sufficient for a robust result.
Michael Stokie, Geelong Bridge Club
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