The latest VQP lists for congresses and Open events are now available. By clicking the link you can view the latest tally for this year and previous years. Information about Victorian Qualifying Points is in the VQP Overview document or skim the FAQs.
The VQPs are in an excel spreadsheet, which you can filter to, among other things, calculate a pair’s or team’s total VQPs and average VQPs. If you need information on how to filter excel information visit this link.
VQPs are allocated according to a scale as set out on the Allocation tables sheet.
All documents related to VQPs are kept in the masterpoints section of the VBA Documents Library.
The VQP List can be accessed from the Informationsection on the right side of the Home page.
You may also be interested in looking at the Match and Tournament documents and regulations.
Do you want to represent Victoria?
After consulting with players and clubs from all over Victoria the VBA is changing the way Victorian teams are selected. As foreshadowed in the September newsletter, it will now be much easier for players who are not able to play evening events at the VBA to qualify for the selection trials to determine the open, women’s and seniors teams.
There will be a two-stage process, with a “Last Train” event for any pair that was unable to play in, or failed to qualify from, stage one.
Stage One: Monday evenings (13 and 27 February, 6 March)
Last train: Saturday 25 March
Final: Saturday 22 and Sunday 23 April. The participants will be the top six pairs from stage one, the representatives of each of the three regions and the top three pairs from the “Last Train”. (Should one region fail to nominate a pair then the next-placed pair from the “Last Train” will be included. Should two regions fail to nominate a pair then the second vacancy would be filled by the highest-placed pair from Stage One that is not yet a participant.)
There will be a two-stage process, with a “Last Train” event for any pair that was unable to play in, or failed to qualify from, stage one.
Stage One: Monday evenings (13 and 27 February, 6 March)
Last train: Sunday 26 March
Final: Saturday 29 and Sunday 30 April. The participants will be the top six pairs from stage one, the representatives of each of the three regions and the top three pairs from the “Last Train”. (Should one region fail to nominate a pair then the next-placed pair from the “Last Train” will be included. Should two regions fail to nominate a pair then the second vacancy would be filled by the highest-placed pair from Stage One that is not yet a participant.)
There will be a playoff on 8–9 April between two teams that qualify as teams and two teams that qualify from pairs events.
State teams champions: The winners of the Pennant final held on 20 November 2016.
Butler: The three highest-placed eligible pairs from the Butler (Wednesday evenings; qualifying: Jan 25, February 1 and 8; final: February 15, March 1 and 8).
VQP team: This team will be self-selected by players who have won VQPs in congresses during 2016 (i.e. VQPs won in state events held at the VBA are excluded). These players must nominate as a team of four, five or six by 31 January. If more than one team nominates then the team with the higher/highest number of VQPs will qualify.
Victorian Representative Qualifying Pairs: This event, to be held on April 1–2, will be open to any pair in which neither player has already qualified for one of the other three teams, and which meets the criteria below:
The pair has been selected as a regional pairs representative; or
both partners have either
won at least 1 VQP in a Congress during 2016; or
placed in the top two in any state event held at the VBA that concluded after 7
VQPs (Victorian Qualification Points) are the method for ranking the teams applying to enter the Victorian Open team playoff, and ultimately for selecting the Victorian Open team.
VQPs are awarded for high finishes in Congresses, Regional Championships, and major State events.
The number of VQPs available for a given event depends on the strength and size of the event. For example, there are 3 tiers of Congress events (small, medium and large) with bigger events attracting more VQPs. Please refer to the point allocation tables for details.
We now have around 80 qualifying events for the Victorian Open Team playoff (up from just 2 under the previous selection method). The point scheme is structured to enable the most successful Congress players to participate in the playoffs while ensuring the overall integrity of the selection process.
Everybody with any VQPs is eligible to participate in the Victorian Open Team Playoff next year, and you can team up with anybody else with VQPs. The 6 teams with the highest average VQPs per
player contest a one-weekend play off to become the Victorian team. The Saturday is a round-robin, with a head-to-head final on the Sunday.
We’re also using the same point structure to identify the annual Congress Champion. We list the leaders in the Bulletin every month and regularly update the list on the VBA website.
For playoff purposes, the VQP “year” is a little different, running approximately from March the year before the playoff through February the year of the playoff.
This gives everyone plenty of time (roughly one month) to form their teams and enter the playoff.
Match and Tournament documents and regulations are available here.
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