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  • The VCC is on!! June 10th-14th Marvel Stadium

    After months of planning the VBA is proud to announce the Victor Champion Cup 2021 IS GO !

    Dates Thursday 10th – Monday 14th June.

    Venue: Marvel Stadium, Docklands


    Programme and pricing will be available very soon …. bookings via  NOTE: is a new platform developed b y the ABF for the management of events.  You will need to register and familiarise yourselves with how it works.  There is some information on this page (or you can go to the link on the ABF Home Page)

    This year will feature a new event run in parallel with the Wally Scott Open Pairs on Thursday and Friday…. Mixed Pairs.

    We look forward to seeing you at VCC 2021.

    A note from the Convener Geoff Schaller (email

    G’Day Fellow Players,

    Our apologies for dragging the chain a little but we were thrown a Covid Curve Ball. Just last Tuesday the Bayview Eden announced to us that the State Govt had decided block book the hotel for 3 months as backup accommodation for quarantine support staff.  And kicked us out. They did say sorry – the Govt did not. So after three sweat breaking days of choice expletives I’d forgotten I knew, we found an alternate. And oh boy – YOU GUYS ARE IN FOR A REAL TREAT! So there was a silver lining to that Covid Cloud and you guys got a fantastic venue as a result.

    We’re going to Marvel Stadium. Here are some of the highlights:

    • The playing area has fantastic ambience – it is bright and cheery
    • We still have a player cap but there is more space. You will reminisce on how you once rubbed shoulders with the table behind you.
    • We have larger breakout areas where you can mull over Fitzroy footy memorabilia, slurp on your favourite form of caffeine, or just do the usual and beat up your partner over all the mistakes they made. Footy tragics will love the place.
    • Everything is on one level – no stairs.
    • The carpark is flat and next to the lifts – there are 300 spaces allocated for us.
    • We’re offering you a 50% larger early bird rate.
    • We will have some terrific in-house food options but there are 78 restaurants within a 12 minute walk and 26 restaurants inside a 6 minute walk. We plan to offer grab and go breakfasts, lots of coffee and similar lunches to Bayview. More on that later.
    • You will still see the Paul Lavings Book Shop and TBBIB Insurance.
    • It is a 7 minute walk from Southern Cross Station, 25 minutes closer to the airport and the carpark has easy access right off the freeway! Even the Airport Skybus is only a 7 min walk.
    • What more could you want? Well, accommodation of course, so…


    • We have negotiated great rates for you at the Quest Docklands and Quest New Quay. Both are a short walk to the stadium. You will need to place your bookings through and enter the Promo/Corporate Code of MARVEL2021:
      • Studio apartment (single room) $155
      • One bedroom apartment (full kitchen) $175
      • Two-bedroom apartment (full kitchen) $205

    So start planning! Even you Kiwis…

    I thought I would send you this teaser because the deal was only sealed 5 hrs ago and I need time to rebuild the entry forms and information packs. This will take me a day or two but I will send everyone a copy of the entry form and eventually, Neil and Pauline put their bits onto the various websites. Please wait for the accommodation discount code – I will send it with the entry form.

    We are really excited at all this and can’t wait to bring you an outstanding event.


    VCC Entry Form V2021

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