Promoting BRIDGE within Victoria
Fostering interest in the game
The President of the VBA, Christopher Leach and The Chair of Match & Tournament, Jenny Thompson, are delighted to advise that Dee Harley, prominent expert player and Editor of the VBA newsletter, has been confirmed by the Council as Victorian bridge’s first Recorder. Those who attend interstate congresses will probably be familiar with this role, which is essentially to be on the spot to receive communications (oral or written) from players regarding matters arising from play, which could potentially be the subject of disciplinary action……
Continue ReadingThe VBA Council at its March meeting confirmed the recommendations of the President, Christopher Leach, of new Chairs of the State and VBA Disciplinary Committees. The new Chair of the Victorian Congress Disciplinary and Ethics Committee (VCDEC), the principal disciplinary body in Victoria, with oversight over State events, all club congresses and regional events, is … Continue reading “New Chairs of Disciplinary Committees”
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