The next set of beginner’s classes starts on Saturday 25th February 2023 at 10:00am at the VBA clubrooms, Breen Drive Brighton East, Vic 3187. The course runs for 8 weeks at 2 hours per session and the cost of $150 covers the lessons, notes and other resource material. Come and learn the wonderful game of … Continue reading “Beginner’s Lessons”
Continue ReadingAndrew will be on annual leave from June 14th to 6th July inclusive. During this time please contact Cathie Lachman for enquiries at the club. Cathie’s office hours are 9am – 4.30pm on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays.
Continue ReadingThe Women’s and Seniors’ qualifying competition scheduled this weekend at the VBA clubrooms will commence at 9:30am on both Saturday and Sunday. The second session each day starts at 1:15pm Please note that the VBA will not be providing lunch on either day. There are cafes nearby, but on Sunday these may be closed so … Continue reading “Women’s and Seniors’ arrangements for this weekend”
Continue ReadingThis red-point event is limited to players with <300 matsterpoints (as at 31/12/2021) The two highest finishing pairs in this event will each be provided with a return airfare, $500 towards accommodation and free entry to the Restricted Butler Pairs at this year’s Australian National Championships (ANC) in Adelaide on the weekend of the 9th … Continue reading “2022 Victorian Restricted Pairs”
Continue ReadingWith the Gold Coast Congress having just been completed and featuring only a little over half the normal attendees due to COVID, the Qld Bridge Association is running a GOLD COAST RESCUE CONGRESS to assist with raising some funds to offset the cost of the venue and associated losses. This will be a Real Bridge … Continue reading “Gold Coast Rescue Congress”
Continue ReadingAilsa Tandy 5
Click on the link above to log in to the Ailsa Tandy Pairs (Session 5). You will be taken to the RealBridge login screen where you should enter your full name (not your BBO name) and ABF Number
The long awaited Australian National Championships start on Monday 8th November.
Victoria is fielding 4 teams, as below. We wish them the best of good fortune.
You will be taken to the RealBridge login screen where you must enter your full name (not your BBO name) and ABF Number
The Victorian Open Team for 2021 was decided over the weekend with semi-finals on Saturday and a 64 board final on Sunday. In the Semi-Finals, the Pennant Team defeated the Butler team and the the VQP2 team defeated the VQP1 team. The final saw the Pennant Team of Neil Ewart, Simon Henbest, Chris Hughes and … Continue reading “Victorian Open Team Decided”
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