A 3 week online (Real Bridge) teams event on Mondays August 14th 21st 28th. Enter here
Continue ReadingAll Victorian players are invited to play in the Victorian Online Open Teams. The Teams Championship starts on Monday May 8th and runs for four consecutive weeks. Come along and have fun and play a good game of bridge! Placegetters in this event will gain VQP’s for the 2024 Selection process. This is your chance … Continue reading “Victorian Online Open Teams starts May 8th”
Continue ReadingAn ABF Event On Real Bridge Second Tuesday of each month, starting June, 7.30 pm Eastern Qualifying:June-August-September: Knockout and Consolation:October-November-December: Where:RealBridge
Continue ReadingThe final selection trials for the Victorian Women’s and Senior teams for the July ANC in Perth were held at Bridge Victoria headquarters on the weekend. After a close fought competition, congratulations to the following selections: Victorian Senior Team: Robert Gallus & Stephen Weisz, Quentin Van Abbe & Andrzej Krolikowski, George Lovrecz & Martin Willcox. … Continue reading “Womens & Seniors Team Selection Finals”
Continue ReadingEntry Fees paid to ANC Open or Mixed Butler! Wednesdays at the Club April 12th, 19th, 26th, May 10th Fred Altman is remembered for being a member of Australia’s most successful team at the World Bridge Open Team Championships in partnership with Dr Ian McCance. He was also a stalwart member of the Victorian bridge … Continue reading “Altman Swiss Pairs”
Continue ReadingThe closing date for nominations for the two teams with the highest total of VQP’s earned in 2023 is fast approaching. Please send your nominations by 5pm Friday 24th March to the Match & Tournament Committee at [email protected]. Jenny Thompson Chair – Match & Tournament Committee
Continue ReadingThere have been queries regarding the next stage of our transformation process concerning the separation of the operations of the state body (Bridge Victoria) from the VBA Bridge Club, now known as the Victorian Bridge Centre. Over the next several months, the VBA Council will be implementing its business model wherein Bridge Victoria (BV) will … Continue reading “President’s Update”
Continue ReadingThe next set of beginner’s classes starts on Saturday 25th February 2023 at 10:00am at the VBA clubrooms, Breen Drive Brighton East, Vic 3187. The course runs for 8 weeks at 2 hours per session and the cost of $150 covers the lessons, notes and other resource material. Come and learn the wonderful game of … Continue reading “Beginner’s Lessons”
Continue ReadingA true Mixed teams event Wednesdays February 1st, 8th, 15th Enter Here
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