Margaret Bourke Invitational Teams 2021 This year marked a very sad day in Australian Bridge. We lost one of the greats of the game, Margaret ‘Margi’ Bourke. (See obituary here) Margi’s history in bridge is nothing short of amazing. She was loved by all who knew her and respected by all those who encountered her … Continue reading “Locked down but Victoria still comes up aces”
Continue ReadingAll VBA hosted games on BBO will have master-point allocations from July. Please note that the entry fee to each of these games will be BB$3.00. The single exception will be Tuesday afternoon’s new player session.
Continue ReadingThe VBA President, Christopher Leach, is pleased to advise that the VBA Disciplinary Regulations have recently been extensively updated and the changes approved by the VBA Council. These regulations apply to the events held by the VBA (mainly on Monday nights, but occasionally on Wednesdays) which are not state events and also to its club duplicate activities. … Continue reading “New VBA Disciplinary Regulations and Expansion of Committee”
Continue ReadingThe VBA currently run 15 online bridge sessions per week. There are two sessions every day. These sessions have been supported wonderfully by many players and we thank you all for joining. We run 11 free sessions and 4 sessions where master points are available. Monday morning (shortened) individual, starting at 10am (12 boards) Monday … Continue reading “VBA Online Masterpoint Tournaments”
Continue ReadingThe VBA Council at its March meeting confirmed the recommendations of the President, Christopher Leach, of new Chairs of the State and VBA Disciplinary Committees. The new Chair of the Victorian Congress Disciplinary and Ethics Committee (VCDEC), the principal disciplinary body in Victoria, with oversight over State events, all club congresses and regional events, is … Continue reading “New Chairs of Disciplinary Committees”
Continue ReadingThe President of the VBA, Christopher Leach and The Chair of Match & Tournament, Jenny Thompson, are delighted to advise that Dee Harley, prominent expert player and Editor of the VBA newsletter, has been confirmed by the Council as Victorian bridge’s first Recorder. Those who attend interstate congresses will probably be familiar with this role, which is essentially to be on the spot to receive communications (oral or written) from players regarding matters arising from play, which could potentially be the subject of disciplinary action……
Continue ReadingThe President of the VBA, Christopher Leach and The Chair of Match & Tournament, Jenny Thompson, are delighted to advise that Dee Harley, prominent expert player and Editor of the VBA newsletter, has been confirmed by the Council as Victorian bridge’s first Recorder. Those who attend interstate congresses will probably be familiar with this role, which is essentially to be on the spot to receive communications (oral or written) from players regarding matters arising from play, which could potentially be the subject of disciplinary action……
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The ABF’s new technology platform “My ABF” has just been launched. This gives players a personal ABF account they can login to. Over time this will grow to be their main online interaction for all bridge activities and allow them to: Manage personal details View masterpoints View, enter, and pay for bridge events See announcements … Continue reading “The ABF’s new technology platform My ABF has just been launched”
Continue ReadingOn Sunday April 7th the two winning teams from the Saturday semi-finals fought out a 64 board final for the right to represent Victoria in the Open Teams at the ANC in July. The Pennant Team (Dee Harley/Chris Hughes, David Beckett/Neil Ewart) bolted out of the gates in the first stanza and led by 35. … Continue reading “Victorian Team Selection Playoff Results”
Continue ReadingThe Victorian Champion of Champion event was held over the weekend of 26th & 27th August. The event was won by Prithiraj de Zoysa and Peter Hollands, with Dee Harley and Stan Klofa second. We would like to make this new inter club championship event more accessible to every club by introducing more categories. Please help … Continue reading “Geelong’s attendance at the Victorian Champion of Champions”
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